Restorative Dentistry


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Root canals

Nothing strikes fear into the heart of dental patients quite like the words ‘root canal treatment’. When the blood or nerve supply of a tooth (often known as the ‘pulp’) becomes damaged through injury, infection, or decay, it can cause the nerve of the tooth to die. Years ago this would have meant that the tooth would have to be removed entirely before the whole area became infected. However, thanks to root canal treatment, it is now possible to save teeth that are at risk from the damaged pulp.

Cavities and fillings

As you consume sugary foods and beverages throughout the day, a sticky residue builds up on the teeth. Plaque, a sticky form of bacteria, is then attracted to the sugars on your teeth. As the
bacteria grows on your teeth, they excrete an acid that can deteriorate the tooth’s enamel, which over time begins to break down. This breakdown is what creates a cavity.

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rats3898 none 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM Closed Closed Closed dentist,3,,,